With your help, we continue to advance the preservation of antique and significant arms.
Collecting is more than simply a hobby, as any collector will tell you. What can start out as a small interest, can quickly become an all-encompassing passion.
In Victoria, private individuals who wish to begin the rewarding and enjoyable pursuit of collecting antique arms must belong to a recognised collecting organisation.
However, anyone with an interest in heritage arms is welcome to join The Guild, irrespective of whether they intend to collect or not. The Guild’s membership represents the largest single body of knowledge on this subject in Victoria, and its members include both enthusiasts as well as professionals employed within the field of heritage arms and the museum sector.
Where to meet us, and how to join
The Guild holds monthly meetings on the last Monday of the month at Eley Park Community Centre, 87 Eley Road, Blackburn South, Melbourne. We warmly welcome, and encourage, all prospective members to come along to one of these meetings.
If planning to attend, let us know by email beforehand, and we will ensure a member of the Guild committee is on hand to meet you, and answer any queries you might have about the organisation.
If you are a resident of the State of Victoria and have, or intend to collect registrable firearms you will need to apply for a Collectors Licence, obtainable from Licensing Services Division of the Victoria Police.

Membership Fees
Metropolitan members
$105.00 per year.
Pensioners resident in the Melbourne metropolitan area
$75.00 per year.
Country, interstate and overseas members
$75.00 per year.
A once-off joining fee of $50.00 applies to all levels of membership.
All prospective members are required to complete Forms A, B and E.
* Please note that if you wish to join the Guild, but you do not live in the state of Victoria, or you are a resident of another country, then you do not need to complete the statutory declaration section of our forms.