All you need to know about collecting arms in Victoria.
The Conditions attached to Collecting Arms in Victoria
Anyone who is thinking of taking up the enjoyable hobby of collecting antique and historic arms will soon become aware that many of these items are subject to regulation, depending on their type, under either the Firearms Act or the Control of Weapons Act. And that mandatory membership of an approved collecting club is the first step in the process of becoming a collector.
An aspiring firearm collector will also be told that they will need to obtain one of several types of firearms collectors licences depending on their collecting interest. Aspiring edged weapons collectors do not need a licence but the first step to collecting them is, as with firearms, membership of an approved collecting club such as the Guild.
In addition to the regulated types of weapons, be they firearm or edged weapons etc. there is a range of exempt type of firearms that require no licensing. These are antique muzzle loading guns such as flintlocks and their predecessors like wheel locks etc. and single shot percussion pistols. The only condition is that these must be genuine antiques manufactured prior to 1900.
To help people understand the requirements imposed by the legislation in Victoria, in whatever area of arms collecting, they may wish to pursue the links in the section below which provide an overview.
And if you have any questions regarding your particular interest we encourage you to contact the Guild by email at cupfire1@ozemail.com.au ; by phone at (03) 9584 2907 or in writing at PO Box 2976, Cheltenham, 3192.

For more information
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