The Journal of the Antique and Historical Arms Collectors Guild of Victoria
Published articles - by author (1966-2000)
A B C D E F G H J K L M Mc N O P R S T V W
- Albert, M., Mr. Jesse Dowsett – an unsung hero, March 1983, p.155.
- Ned Kelly’s last revolver, June 1983, p.185.
- Ned Kelly’s last revolver – the last round? December 1983, p.29.
- Allen, L. W., Tsuba, September 1991, p.17.
- Author not cited, A short history of the Small Arms Factory Lithgow, NSW – part 1, June 1971, p.129
- A short history of the Small Arms Factory Lithgow, NSW, – part 2, September 1971 p.163.
- ‘Then if Nordenfeldt and Gatling won’t bring you to your knees …’, September 1972, p.11.
- Liberated guns of the goldfields – part 1, September 1972, p.33
- Liberated guns of the goldfields – part 2, December 1972, p.61.
- An unusual pair of 19 bores, June/September 1973, p.107.
- The end of an era, December 1974, p.17.
- Shepparton’s first known gunman, December 1977, p.43.
- Her Majesty’s guns – part 1, June 1979, p.245.
- Who has a Henson shotgun?, June 1981, p.241.
- Forgotten formulae, September 1982, p.119.
- The ‘Cerberus’ gun, June 1988, p.117.
- Minie – pattern 1851 rifle musket, March 1989, p.197.
- Armament Court Centennial International Exhibition 188-9, December 1989, p.45.
- Rediscover the South Channel Fort, March 1990, p.94.
- Maschinepistole MP38 and MP40, September 1991, p.2.
- A general’s trophy, September 1991, p.29.
- Over and under percussion pistol, June 1993, p.248.
- Dragoon pepperbox, June 1993, p.251.
- The iron-clad monitor ‘Cerberus’, March 1996, p.77.
- Breech loaders – part 1, June 1998, p.103.
- Breech loaders – part 2, September, 1998, p.133.
- Backway, R., The St. Kilda volunteer movement, June 1977, p.257.
- The way it was, December 1997, p.55.
- Amongst my souvenirs, June 1998, p.89.
- Barden, C., Facts of the Whitworth rifles, September 1968, p.24.
- Some notes on the history of proving and proof marks -part 1, June 1971, p.125.
- Some notes on the history of proving and proof marks – part 2, September 1971, p.159
- A pair of super-imposed, breech loading, cannon barrelled, flintlock pistols, September 1972, p.21.
- The presentation powder flask, June/September 1973, p.105
- Shot towers in Australia part 1, December 1973/March 1974, p. 137.
- Mons Meg, June 1979, p.247.
- Joseph Manton (converted), June 1980, p.105.
- Shot towers in Australia – part 2, June 1980, p.131.
- The Percy Tenantry powder horn, September 1993, p.3.
- H. M. S. Pandora, June 1997, p.224.
- Bienvenu, F., Charles Jones central fire shotgun of 1833, September 1979, p.3.
- Blair-Jenke, L., An historical review of airguns, March 1980, p.211.
- Famous swordsmiths, December 1982, p.133.
- Boothroyd, G., William Baker, Birmingham, June 1996, p.108.
- James Dalziel Dougall, September 1996, p.151.
- A short history of black powder production, December 1996, p.167.
- Capital gunmakers, September 1997, p.5.
- The beauty in guns, December 1997, p.32.
- Charles Rylands, June 1999, p.225.
- Bourke, B., The Springfield Model 1816 flintlock musket, March 1999, p.213.
- Brooks, I., A feudal lord’s sword, June 1981, p.253.
- Burton, K., French holster pistol, by Le Lorain of Valence, June 1986, p.331.
- Winchester baby carbines, September 1988, p.145.
- Double barrelled flintlock officers’ pistol, December 1989, p.41.
- Burton, K. and D. K. Miller, British sea service pistols, March 1986, p.293.
- Byrne, G., The Spencer repeating rifles, March 1969, p.88.
- Barracks to buffalo – part 1, March 1972, p.233.
- Barracks to buffalo – part 2, June 1972, p.263.
- Spencer sporting rifles 1864 – 1868, September 1977, p.3.
- Clark, R., Woodwork finishes of antique weapons and of early and modern shotguns, March 1971, p.93.
- Clarke, E., The mitrailleuse, September, 1967, p.26.
- Military rifle to shotgun, April 1968, p.13.
- Those Boer War Mausers, June 1969, p.142.
- An old hunter and his guns, January 1970, p.228.
- Snider conversions, June 1970, p.306.
- More about Boer rifles, March 1972, p.219.
- Unusual rolling block rifles, December 1972, p.41.
- Weird and wonderful Winchesters, March 1977, p.151.
- Collecting punt guns, September 1981, p.3.
- More thought on the Portugese Guedes rifle, June 1986, p.323.
- More notes on the 8mm Guedes, December 1991, p.63.
- Clift, J. J., F. C. Clift – one of our earlier gunsmiths, March 1967, p.11.
- Corcoran, J., Colonel Greenfield of Ballarat, September 1975, p.92.
- The N. S. W. Rigby rifles, December 1985, p.264.
- The fighting banker’s shotgun, December 1988, p.161.
- Lieutenant Keating – naval artillery volunteer, December 1989, p.55.
- Cossum, J., Bayonet for the Martini .310 cadet rifle, September 1986, p.361.
- Has anyone heard of the “Hylard rifle?”, March 1987, p.408.
- Cuthbertson, S., The quest for Q?R 24, December 2000, p.189.
- Davies, R., Historical background of Joe Manton’s lathe, December 1992, p.183.
- Davis, G., .Oh, those were the days, January 1970, p.204.
- Engraved tubelock pistols, September 1970, p.29.
- A seventeenth century wheellock, December 1971, p.200.
- Dobbings, P., A U. S. Colt that isn’t, June 1984, p.96.
- Edwards, R., A piece of Australiana in a Whitney revolver, December 1996, p.171.
- Ford, P., Boer War enemy – a Guerdes rifle, June 1985, p.205.
- One hundred and one years later: a postscript on the Model 1885 Guedes rifle, December 1986, p.385.
- Foster, D., A rare Snider and an old time defence force, September, 1971, p.143.
- Furniss, F. S., The airguns of our ancestors, June 1968, p.32.
- Giddings, R. J., Relics of the Pacific War uncovered, September 1968, p.30.
- A paint brush and a bottle of sump oil, October 1969, p.184.
- Guns abandoned, December 1970, p.69.
- The antique gun shops of “Olde England”, March 1973, p.81.
- Gribben, P., Mick Halpin, the gunsmith of Shepparton, April 1968, p.21.
- Nock’s patchlock shotgun, March 1973, p.67.
- Volunteers, riflemen, and rifles, at Maldon, Victoria, December 1976, p.123.
- John Browning 1855 – 1926, March 1977, p.146.
- Big Bertha of the Barmah Lakes, December 1977, p.45.
- The two Greeners – part 1, June 1978, p.115.
- The two Greeners – part 2, September 1978, p.153.
- The Dan Wesson rifle, December 1978, p.177.
- The two Greeners – part 3, December 1978, p.187.
- A presentation treasure, March 1979, p.219.
- Johnny Cronin, early gunsmith of Victoria, September 1979, p.26.
- A couple of Purdeys, September 1982, p.111.
- Hall. N. W., Fort Queenscliff – the Guild connection, September 2000, p.187.
- Harris, A. F., The conical wooden plug rifle ball – a colonial claim, December 1982, p.129
- From Rosier to South Australia, December 1987, p.43.
- Haug, C., A rare hand-rotated percussion revolver, December 1976, p.127.
- Hellier, R., Notes on Colt percussion revolvers – part 1, September 1968, p.8.
- Notes on Colt percussion revolvers – part 2, January 1969, p.62.
- Notes on Colt percussion revolvers – part 3, March 1969, p.104.
- Historic powder horns, March 1971, p.79.
- H. W., Australian military fighting knives, December 1990, p.160.
- Sawback bayonet collecting – part 1, December 1991, p.43.
- Sawback bayonet collecting – part 2, March 1992, p.85.
- Sawback bayonet collecting – part 3, September 1992, p.143.
- Jessup, L., Bushranger revolver, September 1971, p.167.
- Johnstone, G., A seventeenth century flintlock musket, June 1975, p.74.
- Jones, I., Six Kelly guns from Glenrowan, September 1980, p.139.
- Kusrow, C. B., Confederate copy of the Colt Navy, December 1977, p.37.
- Latimer, D., Melbourne’s first duel, December 1966, p.2.
- G. F. Crawford, gunsmith, Dunolly, December 1966, p.3.
- Reference to the use of the copper cap in Australia, January 1969, p.58.
- The Gandon, a flintlock screw plug breech loading fowling piece, October 1969, p.164.
- Lea, D., Harvey’s patent revolvers, December 1992, p.181.
- Leaf, N., 19th century big bore duck hunters, June/September 1973, p.119.
- Lennox, J., Tasmanian arms, September 1985, p.233.
- Lewis, M. M., Miniature arms, December 1982, p.125.
- Miniature weapons – the small collector’s delight, December 1999, p.45.
- Leyonhjelm, D., Private firearm ownership and democratic rights, December 1993, p.28.
- Linney, I. Alterations to the pattern – part 1, June 1989, p209.
- Alterations to the pattern – part 2, September 1989, p.21.
- Martyn, R., Australian marked military longarms, March 1975, p.42.
- Green’s carbine, September 1975, p.100.
- Maynard, H. W., Powderflasks in Australia, June 1967, p.11
- Some general notes on flintlocks, September 1967, p.10.
- Some notes on cased percussion pistols, December 1967, p.26.
- Cannon for the small suburban home, April 1968, p.26.
- Some notes on pepperboxes, June 1968, p.8.
- The Tranter and other breech loading rifles, September 1968, p.14.
- English double barrel shotguns, January 1969, p.50.
- Tranter cartridge revolvers, March 1969, p.84.
- Merrifield, S., Explosive magazines in Victoria and local history, June 1972, p.267.
- Millar, J., A Rosier .577 calibre Webley revolver, December 1976, p.114.
- Miller, D. K., Shot tower – Tasmania, June 1985, p.224.
- 1827 Pattern naval officers sword, June 1991, p.225.
- Millett, E. J., Japanese “I” rifle, December 1980, p.173.
- Australian conversion M. 95 Dutch 6.5mm Mannlicher rifles, March 1987, p.417.
- Australian commando knuckle knife bayonets, June 1990, p.109.
- A U. S. Snider, December 1991, p.59.
- Australia’s emergency M. L. E. and S. M. L. E. .303 rifle sights – the sights that were never used, December 1994, p.144.
- Mills, D., Collecting British military arms, June 1969, p.124.
- The Thirteenth Light Dragoons at Waterloo, December 1971, p.195.
- The Melbourne Armoury, March 1972, p.211.
- The guns of the “Nelson”, December 1972, p.245.
- The admiral’s duellers, March 1973, p.91.
- The Walker from Jaypur, June/September 1973.
- James Graham’s Manton, December 1973/March 1974, p.133.
- “Will Sell” an old blunderbus, September 1978, p.143.
- The Mortimer from Hyderabad, December 1979, p.37.
- Bread Street Ward Volunteers, September 1982, p.99.
- 1842 Pattern musket and the Eureka Stockade – part 1, September 1984, p.117.
- 1842 Pattern musket and the Eureka Stockade – part 2, December 1984, p.149.
- A follow-up on the 1842 Pattern musket and the Eureka Stockade, June 1985, p 213.
- L. M. S. D., December 1985, p.278.
- The first guns in Castlemaine, D. Mills, September 1986, p.355.
- Major Mitchell and his pistols, September 1987, p.20.
- His Majesty’s patent, March 1988, p.73.
- The Ashton rifle, March 1988, p.83.
- Lieutenant W. H. Smyth and his Mortimer Cookson pistol, December 1988, p.165.
- Lord Yarmouth and his Joseph Manton boar Gun, June 1989, p.204.
- The honourable Henry Goulburn and his elevator, March 1990, p.79
- A clutch of rare Eggs, December 1990, p.175.
- The hand detachable locks, March 1993, p.228.
- The Pandora Blunderbus, June 1997, p.225.
- The Spanish barrel Manton, September 2000, p.174.
- Mills, J., General examples of welding, March 1982, p.59.
- A Boer War chronicle, September 1989, p.5.
- Mills, R., A stroke of luck, June/September 1973, p.121.
- Moodie, A. R., Official usage of pistols in Australia, January 1970, p.208.
- Official usage of bayonets in Australia, June 1970, p.288.
- Official usage of carbines in Australia – part 1, September 1970, p.11
- Official usage of carbines in Australia – part 2, December 1970, p.49
- Official usage of carbines in Australia, volunteer and regular cavalry units, June 1971, p.109.
- Official usage of carbines in Australia, volunteer and regular artillery units, December 1971, p.177.
- Double talk, September 1972, p.17.
- Moore, N., The collector, December 1980, p.201.
- Collector’s corner – “Samuel Browne”, December 1986, p.402,
- Uniform of the Victorian Mounted rifles, June 1987, p.437.
- Morris, H., The pistol makers of Doune, March 1980, p.71.
- McDowell, I., On bores and calibres, March 1985, p.195.
- The “Montenegrin” revolver, June 1987, p.445.
- McKay, M., A Remington Rider .32 RF conversion pocket revolver, December 1993, p.31.
- A Tranter .30 RF double-action pocket revolver, March 1994, p.37.
- An Eagle Arms Co. .28 cup-fire revolver, June 1994, p.83.
- A Marlin XXX Standard .30 RF single action pocket revolver, September 1994, p.110
- A Metropolitan Arms Co. .36 cal. pocket pistol, December 1994, p.149.
- A James Warner .30 RF pocket revolver, June 1995, p.213.
- A Tipping and Lawden .30 RF 4 shot pepperbox, December 1995, p.33.
- An Allen and Wheelock .32 RF sidehammer revolver, June 1996, p.97.
- A Forehand and Wadsworth .41 RF double action revolver, September 1996, p.127.
- A Whitney .31 cal. pocket revolver, March 1997, p.191.
- Howe and Geraghty – made for each other?, March 1998, p.77.
- The Connecticut Arms Co. revolver, March 1999, p. 191.
- A British .30 calibre copy of Smith & Wesson’s No. 1 revolver, September 1999, p.3.
- McLean, J., Colt’s new Lightning magazine rifles – part 1, December 1972, p.53.
- Colt’s new Lightning magazine rifles – part 2, March 1973, p.69.
- The Winchester 1866 centre fire, March 1973, p.87.
- McMahon, R., A bit stuck anywhere – a short history of the Birmingham Small Arms Company 1861-1900 – part 1, March 2000, p.90.
- A bit stuck anywhere – a short history of the Birmingham Small Arms Company 1861-1900 – part 2, June 2000, p.132.
- A bit stuck anywhere – a short history of the Birmingham Small Arms Company 1861-1900 – part 3, December 2000, p.174.
- Newsome, K., The Japanese 6.5mm service cartridge, March 1978, p.67.
- Nolan, W. M., An officer of the Fourth Regiment of Foot, September 1990, p.135.
- Norman, A., Webley .455 Mk. IV and Mk. V, March 1985, p.175.
- O’Brien, T. Discovery of a Boer War rifle, September 1987, p.3.
- Oleinikoff, M., What’s in a medal, June 1975, p.67.
- O’Sullivan, J., Tranter close to the beginning, December 1978, p.179.
- Phillips, F. C., Gemstones, identifying ivory, March 1993, p.210.
- Price, D., Colt small frame conversions, April 1970, p.248.
- Price, T., J. Gausden and R. Richardson, A doglock musket, September 1994, p.121.
- Long fowler, June 1995, p.229.
- A flintlock breech loader, September 1995, p.3.
- A scarce matchlock caliver, September 1996, p.137.
- Caliver with English lock, September 1997, p.13.
- Robinson, J., Composite carbine?, September 1971, p.149
- The William Mont Storm carbine, June 1972, p.261.
- Senior, D., Eureka Stockade, December 1998, p.153.
- Shannon, R. B., James W. Rosier (1834 – 1920), September 1967, p.6.
- Firearms and other weapons on the New South Wales and Victorian goldfields, December 1967, p.6.
- Shiel, F., Forgotten words tell of lost battlefields as the diaries of two diggers return home, June 1998, p.101.
- Skennerton, I. D., British service Yataghan bayonets, June 1977, p.158.
- A rare Snider carbine, June 1978, p.105.
- One of a thousand, June 1979, p.237.
- Smyth, D., Admiral William Henry Smyth (1788 – 1865), December 1988, p.171.
- Speed, N. G., Colt Thuer conversions and accessories, June 1968, p.27.
- First of a few, March 1969, p.108.
- The Port Fairy battery, June 1972, p.246.
- Where is 124 and any more?, June 1972, p.251.
- Shades of Moonlite, June/September 1973, p.97.
- Capt. Andrew Ross, Vansittart Island, March 1979, p.211.
- Australian engraved powderhorns, December 1981, p.25.
- Fort Queenscliff report, September 1985, p.247.
- Turkish broomhandle Mauser, June 1990, p.103.
- A Chuchu, September 1990, p.130.
- Swinfield, J. W., An Australian British ships officer’s pistol, December 1987, p.33.
- Joseph Danks convict gunsmith of Sydney, December 1987, p.39.
- Thomas, B., Forgotten formulae, October 1969, p.180.
- Forgotten formulae, June 1970, p.297.
- Some notes on powder testers, March 1975, p.59.
- Toivonen, N. F., A Tranters patent revolver with an Australiana flavour, March 1977, p.147.
- Trotter, G., Oil bottles: Mk1-V for .303 inch British arms, March 1995, p.193.
- Vercion, S., The 100th year of the Italian rifle Modello 1891, March 1991, p.207.
- The centennial of the Russkaya 3 lineinage vintovka obrosca 1891 goda, or the Mosin-Nagant rifle Model 1891, June 1992, p.108.
- Fusil d’Infanterie Modele 1886 or, the Lebel rifle Md. 1886, March 1995, p.179.
- French rifles and carbines of the Great War – the mousqueton Modele 1890/92, or the Mannlicher/Bertier Model 1890/92, March 1996, p.67.
- The Italian military cartridge for rifle and carbine Mo.1891 and Mo. 1938, December 1996, p.161.
- The rifles and carbines of the Austro-Hungarian Empire – part 1, March 1998, p.62.
- The rifles and carbines of the Austro-Hungarian Empire – part 2, September 1998, p.118.
- Waters, N. S., Winchesters – a summary of models from 1866 – 1910, April 1968, p.6
- The Winchester single shots, January 1969, p.43.
- The teat fire revolver, June 1969, p.146.
- Cook’s cannons – part 1, September 1970, p.3.
- Cook’s cannons – part 2, December 1970, p.43.
- Small bore Winchesters, March 1971, p.95.
- Flintlock conversions, September 1972, p.3.
- The Handorf Winchesters, September 1972, p.25.
- The security of your collection, June 1974, p.183.
- Forgotten formulae, September 1977, p.21.
- Forgotten formulae, December 1977, p.61.
- Forgotten formulae, June 1978, p. 136.
- R. F. Scott, March 1982, p.51.
- English duelling pistols by Westley Richards, June 1993, p.253.
- Reference classics, September 1994, p.127.
- One man’s thoughts on the Historic Arms Collectors Council of Australasia, September 1998, p.129.
- Waters, N. S. and B. Rogers, Farquharson’s system, June 1974, p.173.
- Wilford, E. C., Three lectures upon the rifle – Lecture I – part 1, September 1979, p.11.
- Three lectures upon the rifle – Lecture I – part 2, December 1979, p.45.
- Three lectures upon the rifle – Lecture II – part 1, March 1980, p.81.
- Three lectures upon the rifle – Lecture II – part 2, June 1980, p.127.
- Three lectures upon the rifle – Lecture III – part 1, September 1980, p.145.
- Three lectures upon the rifle – Lecture III – part 2, December 1980, p.181.
- Willey, N., The Japanese matchlock, June 1982, p.77.
- Japanese polearms, March 1984, p.63.
- Willey, T., A silver mounted short sword, June 1984, p.92.
- Wilson, G., Collecting Winchesters, December 1992, p.193.
- Wynter, M. R., T. K. Baker’s single action percussion pistol, March 1989, p.182.